106 South Grand Avenue, Doniphan, MO 63935 ~ 573-714-4761

"Embrace wellness, embrace life."






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Lifestyle Therapeutics

Yoga Therapy 

Integrative Health Coaching


Disclaimer:: No part of this website is intended to be medical advice. It is always advised that you speak to your health care provider before starting this or any other yoga therapy, health and wellness program.

Active Kat Yoga, LLC, is the only Yoga Therapy and Wellness Coaching Center in Southeast Missouri.   

Our approach to wellness can benefit people of all ages and fitness levels 

Yoga therapists can create individualized plans that work with a client's medical and surgical therapy. 

The only prerequisites for yoga therapy are that the person is conscious and willing to do it.



            Increased well-being: Another reason to try yoga - Harvard Health         

                                                                                "Good health is not an event!"   

With a holistic approach to wellness, we know that good health is not an event

but something that we take sustainable steps to achieve every day.

Our bodies are constantly adjusting and readjusting to achieve balance.

When we create an environment that is cohesive to healing, we achieve that balance.

Yoga Therapy and integrative nutrition along with mainstream medicine gives you a one-two punch advantage in your own health.


Why do I keep getting sick? Causes and what to do

"Most Will Not Consider Their Health Until They are Sick" 

Most people never consider their health until they start showing symptoms, but the reality is,

most of our wellness happens every day of our life. From how we eat and sleep,

how much water we drink, how we handle stress, to how we get along in our relationships.

The truth is you have phenomenally more control over your health than anyone else.

Every choice we make is an opportunity to feel well.



"We Are Not Just the Physical."

In order to be truly healthy, we must be healthy on all levels, not just a physical body.

We are also emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies.

If one or more of these areas of being are suffering, so will the physical.

Combining yoga therapy with integrative nutrition has been shown to create a

better quality of life in those with conditions such as chronic stress, auto-immune, cardiac conditions, rehabilitation and cancer.

One yoga therapy group class session or private session per week,

along with a daily practice of just a few moments a day

quieting the mind and taking some deliberate breaths can be very useful tools for your own well-being.


Young happy people having a barbecue dinner on a rooftop in New York -  Group of friends

"Nourishment Does Not Always Come From Food"

 Primary foods are non-nutritional aspects of life that contribute to health and well-being,

and are considered the key to optimal health, happiness, and life satisfaction. 

These include:

Physical movement, positive relationships, fulfilling work, spiritual connection, following passions, self-care, playfulness, creativity, and Fun

We believe that when primary foods are balanced and satisfying, they can fill your soul and make what you eat secondary. 

For example, if you're not in a loving relationship, you might come home and binge on ice cream when what you really need is hugs and kisses.

__________As seen in__________


                                                            Healing Lifestyles & Spas                                                                                                




        Kat and Active Kat Yoga had the honor of being featured in Episode 9 of  My Ozarks



Read our article on Yogatherapy.health

Circus the Yoga Way: Adapted for Children on the Autism Spectrum




















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    2024 © 106 South Grand Avenue, Doniphan, MO 63935